The Natural Environment

Outdoor 'spaces invite open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk-taking, exploration, discovery and connection with nature'
(EYLF, 2009, p. 16)
Incorporating the natural environment in an early years setting is a great way to build both implicit and explicit awareness and environmental concern in children. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) in Victoria state that 'creating natural environments supports children to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment' (2014, p. 1). With growing social concern over global warming and negative societal impacts on the environment, building this beginning awareness is important in producing thoughtful future community members who will lead our world into a brighter, more responsible future.
In discussing natural outdoor settings the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) believes that 'these spaces invite open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk-taking, exploration, discovery and connection with nature. They foster an appreciation of the natural environment, develop environmental awareness and provide a platform for ongoing environmental education' (2009, p. 16). Incorporating a natural environment within an educational institution requires careful planning and consideration. The EYLF states that ‘natural environments include plants, trees, edible gardens, sand, rocks, mud, water and other elements from nature’ (2009, p. 16). Through careful planning and the choice of appropriate materials we can encourage children to take a more active role in the environment.
It is important to acknowledge some parents concern over the wording and application of risk-taking activities. The risk-taking behaviours we are discussing are the ‘risk-taking that is most physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and possibly even financially worthwhile’ (Smith, 1998, p.11). Risk-taking in the physical realm has also been linked to developing risk-taking approaches in other learning areas. The under-development of risk-taking strategies ‘may cause ... children to doubt their ability, persist less or take the safe option and avoid attempting a task at which they know they may not succeed’ (Waters & Begley, 2008, p. 367).
The Australian Curriculum
Through the Australian Curriculum, the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (ACARA, 2014) have linked a number of outdoors and natural environment content necessities which are required to be taught within a foundation level. These relevant content modules are listed below and demonstrate the importance and the link between outdoor play, the natural environment and learning outcomes.
Australian Curriculum – Science:
Science understanding - Biological sciences: Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002).
Science as a Human Endeavour - Nature and development of science: Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses (ACSHE013).
Australian Curriculum – Health and Physical Education:
Personal, Social and Community Health - Contributing to healthy and active communities: Participate in play that promotes engagement with outdoor settings and the natural environment (ACPPS007).
The Australian Curriculum also includes a number of cross-curricular priorities which are designed to be ‘embedded in all learning areas and are both relevant to the lives of students and address the contemporary issues they face’ (ACARA, 2014). Within these cross-curricular priorities is the topic sustainability. The subject-matter related to sustainability can only make connections to a natural outdoors environment. ACARA’s organising ideas in regards to sustainability all directly relate to the environment and our future.
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia: Belonging, Being and Becoming advocates for ‘an integrated, holistic approach to teaching and learning (which) also focuses on connections to the natural world’ (2009, p. 14). Outline two of this document, children are connected with and contribute to their world, contains a sub-section titled: Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment (2009, p. 29). Within this section the EYLF outline a number of evident ways in which we can show our students are meeting the desired criteria. Some of these examples include: demonstrate an increasing knowledge of, and respect for natural and constructed environments; show growing appreciation and care for natural and constructed environments; and develop an awareness of the impact of human activity on environments and the interdependence of living things. According to the EYLF, some of the ways in which we can promote this learning is by providing children with access to a range of natural materials in their environment; model respect, care and appreciation for the natural environment; find ways of enabling children to care for and learn from the land and embed sustainability in daily routines and practices.
National Quality Standards
As educators we are also bound by the National Quality Standards (NQS) which is a benchmark for early childhood education. Quality Area 3 of the NQS, The Physical Environment, stresses the need for ‘quality experiences in both built and natural environments’ (Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority, 2013). It also advocates the need for modelling environmental consideration and care while covering topics of sustainability.
Activity Ideas
A way in which this objective could be met within an early childhood environment might be through the careful planning and set-up of the outdoor area within your centre. A great outdoor area is one in which there are many natural items that are available to children as resources to stimulate their thinking. Here are some examples of things that can be utilised:
Trees and plants should be incorporated and entirely flat grassed areas should be avoided.
Different levelled grassy surfaces.
Cut up logs could be used for plates or stools.
A range of natural materials such as: nuts, seeds, bark, wood, sticks, water, rocks etc.
Sand pit with relevant tools.
Bird bath to attract wildlife.
A water pump with a pathway for the water to follow. Relevant water tools may also be provided.
Adequate shade needs to be provided.
I recently created a provocation which was intended to meet this objective. My provocation's purpose was to answer the question: ‘How do trees get so big?’ Resources which were incorporated in my provocation included: plants, seeds, gardening tools, different sized pots, watering cans, soil, nuts, water, a magnifying glass and natural decorative objects. This provocation allowed my child to explore natural items and a native bush environment. It promoted respect and a general love for plants.
Relevant Children's Book
The Tree - Written by Dana Lyons & Illustrated by David Danioth
An 800-year-old Douglas fir ponders the many things it has seen in the
natural world as it hears the bulldozers coming, and then some people
arrive to save it from destruction.
More Information
For more information on natural outdoor environments please have a look at some of these informative YouTube videos below:
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2013) Guide to the national quality standard. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Australian curriculum. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace. (2009). The early years learning framework for Australia: Belonging, being and becoming. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
childcaresurfboatcrossfitdad. (2013). 07-04-11-thursday-0251-e1365393098438. [Image]. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Victoria (2014). National quality framework: Natural environments. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
Let the Children Play. (2011). shade-in-preschool-outdoor-environment. [Image]. Retrieved 13/10/2014 from
Smith, S. (1998) Risk and our pedagogical relation to children: on the playground and beyond. New York, Albany State University: New York Press.
Waters, J., & Begley, S. (2007). Supporting the development of risk-taking behaviours in the early years: An exploratory study. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 35(4), 365-377. doi: 10.1080/03004270701602632
Respecting the natural environment starts in the early years

The under-development of risk-taking strategies ‘may cause ... children to doubt their ability, persist less or take the safe option and avoid attempting a task at which they know they may not succeed’
(Waters & Begley, 2008, p. 367)