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Play-based Learning & the Curriculum

The purpose of this website is to advocate play-based learning in an early childhood setting while linking these experiences to the outcomes proposed by the Australian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia.
On the rights of a child the United Nations Convention acknowledge that children should ‘engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child’ (UN, Article 31, 1989). It has therefore been clearly identified that teachers have a responsibility to their students to ensure that they get time to play and have fun. Not purely for the sheer enjoyment of the experience but because it has been identified as a meaningful way in which young children make sense of our world, our culture and the society in which they live.
Within this website are five key concepts that should be incorporated in every early childhood centre. Each concept page contains information on what the concept is, how it links to outcomes in the Australian Curriculum and the EYLF document: Belonging, Being and Becoming, as well as play-based activity ideas which can be utilised within a classroom or at home to achieve these objectives.

‘Play is of central importance to the child’s
intellectual, social, emotional, physical and linguistic development’
Duncan, J., & Madelaine, L. (2008). Learning Through Play: A Work Based Approach for the Early Years Profession. London, England: Continuum International.
To navigate through this webpage hover your mouse over the
LEARNING CONCEPTS button at the top of the screen. When the drop-down menu appears choose whichever learning concept you desire.

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